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Senntertain was originally established in 2002 to allow Christian Senn to share his professional game industry experience through products and services. Largely a portfolio site at the time, a community of aspiring game makers, artists, and creatives rallied around the in-site community forums. This served as a place to be inspired, to learn, and practice teamwork. In 2016, focus shifted from service-oriented work to product development.




I've always been fascinated by interactive entertainment. My professional game career began in 1993 at a small game company and blossomed over the next 30 years. The creative process, developing solid teamwork, creating something to be proud of, and enjoying the journey to that destination has kept the kid in my heart happy and frolicking. I am blessed to have a passion for what I do.


My experience focuses on product development and spans creative direction, art, animation, game design, creative writing, copy, music, sound design, production management... anything except the business side and programming is what I'm well-versed in. Platforms from PC to mobile, arcade to XR, tabletop card games to print-and-play ...and genres from adventure to FPS, puzzle to MMO, I'm all about creating compelling content.




If you are looking for a reliable team player who overcomes obstacles to produce quality work - either to work with or employ in some capacity, please reach out. I'm always on the look out for a strong business or technical partner to realize a cornucopia of plans. I encourage you to get in touch and let's discuss exciting possibilities!

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